About Grace
Discover The Journey of Grace & Vision Behind Grace kitchens, wardrobes, chaukhats, doors & windows
The people behind Grace Locks Ltd have been in the hardware business since as far back as 1965, working from a factory in the specially marked Industrial Area in the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Increasing revenues and pressure to increase capacity led to additions of workshop sheds in the same area until finally in 1997, a beautiful glass building was built to add over 16000 square feet of floor area to the factory – corporate office. Carrying forward the “International Style” vision of Chandigarh’s Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, this beautiful glass factory was the tallest building in Chandigarh Industrial Area from 1997 when it was built, until 2009.
Following the Directors’ vision of diversification in the new millenium, Grace developed non-wood, non-plywood, non-steel based modular kitchen cabinets that were an instant hit in the North Indian Market, which is plagued by termites. Grace Kitchen and Wardrobe Cabinets are made from a special polymer fibre, that looks and feels exactly like the highest quality wood, but being synthetic it is unaffected by borer and fungus, at no extra price.
Grace Locks Ltd launched its Modular Kitchens Division in 2001 to meet this never ending demand of termite resistant Kitchens and Wardrobes.

As with most modern industries, all the key operations are centrally monitored through secure computer networks. Sophisticated ERP Software are constantly being developed and improved for managing Purchase Management, Sales Order Processing, Financial Accounting, Inventory Management, Production Planning, Product R & D, and Tool and Process Design.
Grace Locks Limited was incorporated in 1994 and became a Public Limited Company in the year 1995.
Director Speaks

Grace Locks has had a long and exciting journey, spanning over 30 years. In this journey we have seen our country change from a depressingly slow economy to one of the most vibrant democracies in the world. Not surprisingly, the mindset of the Indian Customer and his/her expectations have also changed a great deal. I have always felt that underneath these changes in the Indian mindset and the apparently dynamic business scenario, there lies a factor that has refused to change. It is the key to any successful venture throughout all these changes. That constant factor is “Quality”.
“Quality” has always been and will always remain the most important aspect of a product and an organization. Being the best in Quality has always been and will always be the driving force in whatever we do. Even in today’s competitive times, our customers continue to reward us by remaining faithful to us, only because we have provided and will always provide them with a Quality Product.
We have always aspired to develop a high reputation for Quality of our products, selling at competitive prices, and will continue to do so in the future. Over time, our focus has increased from the earlier narrow view of Quality meaning Quality of our Product, to the extent that today, we see Quality as the most important aspect of the working style of our People.

I have always sensitized my team to the fact that Quality is a never-ending journey, and it is our continuous pursuit of Quality not only in our products, but also in our people, that makes us what we are. Quality is not a destination where we can reach and say that yes, today we have attained Quality. My team shares my vision that it is only through sustained Quality efforts and efforts in improving working styles of our people through acquiring new knowledge and implementing best practices from industry leaders that we can keep improving our Systems, Processing, Products, and Competitiveness. My team has been on the path of Continuous Improvement for many years, and today we are within reach of being a “Total Quality Organization”.
Quality in every sphere of activity has been and shall remain our strategy of growth.